Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Salutation *
English Full Name (Same as HKID card) *
Mobile Number *
Institution *
Disciplines *
Are you a permanent resident of Hong Kong ? (Only permanent resident of Hong Kong is eligible for the program.) *
Graduation in 2022 ,2023 or 2024? (Only graduate of school 2022, 2023 and 2024 of first full time courses in (local and overseas) universities and institutes is eligible for the program.) *
Did you have full time working experience in Digital Advertising Industry / Advertising Industry? (Only applicant with no full time working experience in Digital Advertising Industry / Advertising Industry is eligible for the program.) *
Do you wish to receive any direct marketing^ of this support scheme and its related events, including but not limited to Career Talk, Portfolio Presentation Event and Graduation Ceremony cum Sharing seminar? *
Do you wish to receive any direct marketing ^ promotions from Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing (AIM) of other AIM projects / events? *
Accept terms of use *